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User macydoesnotart
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Registered: 26.06.2018
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26.06.2018 17:58
Yo it’s macy btw And here’s a thing I did So when Ashley gets pantsed by some kid on April fools day the entire school goes crazy with memes and rude but funny comments. And here’s what Mary and Bryce said Mary- okay so now is the perfect time to talk about the power of social media! *a crap ton of memes show up of the incident * Bryce- was it funny when Ashley bent over and it looked like her butt was eating her underwear? Yes one million precent Mary- was it shocking that she stepped on Linnetes face as she ran away ? Not to me but it was still funny Bryce- and why did Jenna pretend to be asleep? Did she panic? I don’t know! Mary- now we all know mean internet comments cause pain and blah blah blah and that we need to stop etc. Bryce- but what everyone forgets is how bad positive internet comments are worse. They can create a false sense of love and admiration Mary- yeah and those things are more addicting than drugs and Girl Scout thin mints combined
Animations (1)
Hi I’m just here for rp
5 years ago