User iceiclesodapop
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08.07.2020 16:22
Wait what?????????? I ment ''I hate mlp'' MY LITLE PONY SUCKS'' those two canerous things you just read are from actual live breathing people. Someone hates a certain fandom beacause of fangirls, bad content, terrible fanart, and bad videos which I can understand but say that to their face" some reason my computer wasn't working
08.07.2020 16:16
I feel so bad for the my little pony fandom, like so many people despise it because they think it would make them cool. If you truly don't like it then do this 1, State the reasons why 2, criticize the art and 3, leave them alone. You can't just go to random mlp fanart and say "I hate mlp" "MY LITTLE PONY SUCKS!!!canerous fangirls,some terrible videos, and bad fanart which I can understand, bu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!" those three cancerous things you just read were actually comments people make. Say that to their face there are full on groups on that,a group doesn't help either besides I think those are just posers. People usually hate on a fandom just because of some t if you dislike someone's content leave them alone or report them (unless if it's not good content). And finally, if you want to mature then act like it don't just hate on a kids show it never makes you cool it makes you a poser. So just don't.
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