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User hsdgjldfh
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Registered: 28.11.2019
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07.03.2020 13:59
26.12.2019 03:15
earlier when you apologized, you said you were fine with her leaving you, but now you are telling her she is not being herself for doing so despite all the times you abused her into loving you, right? if you are the "kind caring sweet and cute" person you claim to be, you would respect her choice of leaving you, and understand that it's justifiable. even if it wasn't, no one should be forced to be in a relationship. it's not even an act of kindness, this is just the bare minimum.
30.11.2019 19:13
30.11.2019 18:59
30.11.2019 18:53
im gonna keep a good eye on you its a dangerous world out here
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