- create flipbook animations online!
User goopjuice1
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Registered: 31.10.2019
Latest comments
31.10.2019 14:28
but please don't. unfollow this account. thanks.
31.10.2019 14:23
hi, please unfollow this profile. this is an impersonation profile that yes, i (the actual goopjuice) hacked. i am in the process of finalizing my leave on fa which means my art isn't available anymore anyways, please don't follow "me" looking for it.
31.10.2019 13:54
hi! real goopjuice here again. please don't listen to them, they're impersonating me under my twitter tag and are not actually me. please ignore them, any of their comments, etc etc. they cannot log out without losing access to the account because i've changed the password. the account will be dead soon enough! don't worry.
31.10.2019 13:25
hello! actual goopjuice here. this account is not me. i hacked it and deleted everything. please do not believe this :) i am leaving fa anyways so i don't see a reason to impersonate me. idiot
Animations (2)
this still isn't the real goop
5 years ago
hacked hee hee
5 years ago