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User frnak-
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Registered: 19.01.2021
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24.08.2021 18:10
ngl fam its painfully easy to happen across sin rp if you simply browse the recent comments tab. im not trying to seek it out i just sometimes see random dumbass children posting about their dumbass furry being in heat and it is *gross*. and theres no way to confirm over the internet that someone is lying about their age short of sending a pic of ur birth certificate or whatever its so easy for a pedo to pretend to be a young teen and do "sin rp" with them to get their rocks off, bc pedos are gross. "why would a pedo find out about this site???" i dunno, ask promagma bc he has a habit of flirting with 13 year olds he's probably the most experienced here
17.08.2021 21:58
why’d u give an internet person ur nudes. that’s legally child porn u dumbass
20.01.2021 12:48
I don’t know nor care if you’re “real” or not but you’re acting awful full of yourself for a person with little children as your only fans. Which, yeah, makes up the majority of this hellsite, but that doesn’t give you right to come in here and be stuck up. I don’t know about the rest of this site, but I know there are a lot of people that will treat you the exact same as anyone else. No privileges.
19.01.2021 17:03
i wish we were all cavemen so i could let natural selection take its course and remove your inferior genetics from the gene pool
19.01.2021 16:59
each day i lose grip on reality my body is a vessel for hatred and violence
Animations (1)
2 years ago