- create flipbook animations online!
User emmabemmaslime
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Registered: 20.04.2020
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30.06.2020 00:55
HEY BROS!!!! I AM OPENING A SLIME SHOP!!! it is not an online shop and sadly I cannot safely share my address on the internet so it is only in my neighborhood, I will eventually open a online shop and I would be happy to show you my link for it then!!! I might even make a video to post of me restocking or packaging stuff in there containers!!! if yall want that definitly tell me!!!!
19.05.2020 13:32
19.05.2020 13:31
19.05.2020 13:25
this is me lol
27.04.2020 13:49
so basically I have another slime recipe I told you to rd blw cuz of instructions. so put your glue in the bowl (you can add food coloring if you would like) then get another bowl for the activator (the re-nu and baking soda) so basically I put a bit of baking soda on the side of my table, take a couple pinches and add enough re-nu that you can't see any particles of the baking soda. add it in the glue little by little and KNEADING IS KEY you cannot mess this part up, you want a nice stretchy non stiff slime so you have to get a lil dirty. I use a spoon but when I see the glue pulling away from the sides of the bowl I get my hands in it mixing it around until it turns into slime you may need to add a bit more activator if the slime is still sticky after kneading for a good 5-10 minutes. also I recommend ONLY getting one hand messy if possible so you can grab your activator without making a mess!
Animations (7)
rd below
3 years ago
just a slime doodle
4 years ago
no tide!
4 years ago
this could also be a profile
4 years ago
profil pic
4 years ago
just a choppy anim of slime
4 years ago
yayyy 2nd account!
4 years ago