User beautyinus
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04.06.2019 20:50
Please no hate xp I tried anyway-
04.06.2019 20:23
I don't see why it's such a " fail " to be honest. It's beautiful, maybe he's a beginner. Don't make the person feel like what he did was terrible, because he made it such a masterpiece. He/she draws better than me! Maybe you. You'll never know. Please. Stop saying this is the fail. This is beautiful and sad, no matter what. <3
04.06.2019 20:21
Sorry the handwriting in this is kinda bad.. I'm not as good on my laptop xD
We support out LGBTQ+ people! It might be wrong, or it might be okay. I'm not quite sure yet. But all I know, is that we HAVE to love each other for who they are. It doesn't matter, really. Don't hate the gays, lesbians, bi, or anything else. Just except them for being blessed to have a great life and future <333333
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