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User anonymous-rants
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Registered: 26.04.2020
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26.04.2020 08:21
KISSING SOMEONE IN A PLATONIC WAY IS ALSO FINE! YOU SHOULD'NT GET SO UPSET ABOUT IT. he actually TOLD you that it meant nothing. all that shows is you don't trust him. 'i'm aloud to ****ing vent if i need to. It's how i cope. U can go to hell. I'm mad and upset and you are making it worse. I vent because I need to get my emotions out. I can vent all i ****ing like.' i'm allowed to rant about you as much as i ****ing want. you're a great artist and all, but you need to stop making such a big deal about everything. it's pathetic '
26.04.2020 07:07
every ****ing day
26.04.2020 06:30
i expect to get a LOT of hate for this but it's just my opinion.
26.04.2020 06:29
I understand that you are sad a lot. But every time I check your profile it’s full of vents?? You vent at least once a day and I think it’s getting ridiculous at this point, like yeah, you can vent but every single day?? That’s more like petty attention seeking. Also, I saw a post that you deleted about you being upset at your boyfriend because his friend kissed him, but YOU MADE A CRUSH REVEAL WITH OVER 15 PEOPLE YOU HAD A CRUSH ON?? YOUR LOGIC IS RIDICULOUS!! I happen to know Riley from school, and he said that he was feeling sad and it was STRICTLY PLATONIC AND HE TOLD YOU THAT! You need to learn to let things go, it’s getting annoying for the rest of us.
26.04.2020 06:23
i will give out the password soon to whoever asks for it
Animations (2)
uniwolf rant
4 years ago
im new
4 years ago