- create flipbook animations online!
User Xx-Trash3-xX
Follow | 1
Registered: 03.01.2021
Latest comments
03.01.2021 14:55
Ok legit I fking nearly got a heart attack on jan 1st cus I thought fa would close.
03.01.2021 14:49
Hi igige it’s Gray77 I moved acc :)
03.01.2021 14:44
So, I honestly was surprised that I reached 163 follows from shitposts (honestly thought I’d only get like 50 follows) so ty for your support on my old acc, and I hope I could get more support on my new acc. I may still be posting on my old acc (@Gray77) but I’ll be more active on here. I’ll also try not to post shitposts (probably will ngl) but meh I guess shitposts are a thing in my life. Anyways,thanks for letting me waste about 5 minutes of your time reading this ultra large comment for absolutely no reason (just wanted to sound important 😕) good night it’s like 1am where I am and I’m tired so bye
Animations (2)
Sike I’m definitely not tire
3 years ago
Starting over :) (read com)
3 years ago