- create flipbook animations online!
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Registered: 27.09.2019
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23.10.2019 09:59
Featherfoot I don't want to be your ****ing friend and also I CAN BULLY WHOEVER I WANT! I am doing this because I hate this person from the START! Though I Don't know them, I HATE HER/HIS ART! ITS SO Like an asshole drew it! AND i'm rich so I don't need a friend who is not willing to bully bubbles and hate his/her art with ME and I can stop when I want, which is NEVER.
21.10.2019 08:18
Btw if you dont I will bully you even more.
21.10.2019 08:17
Do a petition to ban me, I want to know who hates me and if you don't... you'll see what's coming.
20.10.2019 09:40
If I wanted to die I would jump off your ego onto your IQ
20.10.2019 09:39
HA SO EASY! THIS IS TRUE BTW! You are a perfect example of why there are safety warnings on everything."
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