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User UnholyChild
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Registered: 08.11.2020
Latest comments
08.11.2020 22:57
Anyways, see ya
08.11.2020 22:57
Well, it’s really up to the person themselves. You may not agree with it, I agree with it to a certain extent ((I’m not saying I agree with everything, just practise))
08.11.2020 22:55
Also no, I don’t like the thought of really young kids in kindergarten learning about this shit. Anyways, I understand your point completely, just please next time, don’t tell someone to kill them selves. It’s extremely wrong and can be very hurtful, you don’t know what my friend has gone through and could’ve been in a very bad situation right now and those words could’ve pushed them over the edge. Instead of saying kys, maybe try to tell them what they are doing is wrong and try to educate them. Anyways, hope you have a good day
08.11.2020 22:53
Technically I understand some people class being under 18 as a minor, totally get that. But, really they are classed as teens and that’s when you usually learn about sex and all that in school.
08.11.2020 22:53
Please just understand that I’m trying to make you understand I don’t support children drawing porn. I have stated that 14 ((which is a minor)) should NOT draw porn. 15 and higher, so, 16,17,18,etc is completely ok to practise. Please understand that
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