- create flipbook animations online!
User Trash-account
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Registered: 31.03.2020
Latest comments
31.03.2020 22:02
whoever likes this anim doesnt like you at all. they are just doing it to see if you fall for that shit. who would even like you in the first place? LET ALONE HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU... if they really liked you, they would ****ing step up and say it. nobody likes you colored faggot
31.03.2020 21:57
ugh this is so stupid. Nobody likes you, you piece of trash. Just stop posting already and get your colored ass out of this country! Go back to where you came from! Your parents probably hate you! Hell, your dad probably ****ing killed himself because he hated you so much. Why cant you get this through your ****ing thick skull: NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY
31.03.2020 21:50
and no, I will not tell you who I am I made this throw away account to deal with some of the people that should NOT be on this website and NEED TO GET OFF IMMEDIATELY
Animations (1)
no, i am not new
4 years ago