- create flipbook animations online!
User TeaOtakuDeerly
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Registered: 30.04.2019
Latest comments
30.04.2019 22:52
If you DO need to talk just click my profile it's a private anim... I will log out of it soon! so just give me the word and I'm all ears!
30.04.2019 22:51
NU! If you need someone to talk to, really, I'm here! If something is wrong, don't be afraid to let me know! And most importantly, if you are hurting yourself, DON'T! I will not stand by as someone that yes I don't know is hurting themselves and/or in a state of depression! I went through this kind of hell and i will not allow others to go through the same hing I did! So again if you need to talk I am here!
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