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User SexiSatan
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Registered: 04.10.2020
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04.10.2020 09:22
Trans peole. So Aaron. My message to you is. **** the hell off
04.10.2020 09:21
Hi Aaron! Just a nice friendly reminder that we don't give half a shit? People aren't hating on u for being christian. A big number of the American population are christian. the thing we do give half a shit about are homophobes,transphobes and you trying to convert you even once they have said that it is traumatic and when they are a different religion. Now the thing is Aaron you have chosen to be homophobic and transphobic on a site that half or not is lgbtq+! Wasn't that a smart move! you cover yourself by deleting posts and trying to justify your actions by the bib le. Now. In Religious Studies the other day we were looking about why some people are homophobic. I get the bible says "man shall not sleep with boy" which I get could be translated as one should not sleep with the same gender. But I'm reality I think it refers to peodophilia. And anyways doesn't God say love all? Don't spread hate? And I mean you have absolutely no reason to be transph obic. To my knowledge,the bible does not say anything about
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