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User Seriesjoiner
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Registered: 20.06.2019
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21.06.2019 01:51
Doppy She is calm. Hides her other eye. Kind. Doesn't like killing. Speedy as heck. Likes birds. Scared. Shy. Her scarf bow is very important to her.
21.06.2019 01:11
Thanks. Nobody ever talks to me
21.06.2019 01:10
Maui Quiet. She is a good hunter and killer. She doesn't like people. Her blue can change colors. Blue means neutral. Pink means flirty. Green means happy. Red means mad. Yellow means hunting/killing mode. Purple means hungry
20.06.2019 11:14
Gi He is flirty. He needs a lot of attention. His best friend is pep. They are the best team. He is very strong. He is rude most of the time --------------------- Pep She is rude and boring. she doesn't like anything. She likes MURDER. Controlling. Is bugged by gi alot. Swift. She can hear from far away.
Animations (3)
5 years ago
5 years ago
Gi and pep
5 years ago