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Registered: 21.06.2020
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21.06.2020 15:50
I never meant to cause this, I just wanted to prove that I was a good friend. I am not. I deserve to die.
21.06.2020 15:49
I do. Please re add me!! I...I...I feel like...I...Dizzy...Ugh. Just please give me a second chance... I...PLEASE!
21.06.2020 13:38
what did I do to you....to myself.
21.06.2020 12:58
Carrissa, please! IM SORRRY! This is alll my fault. Why...Why! Why is this! THIS IS MY FAULT! I'm going do die due to this!
21.06.2020 12:57
I would have helped. I would have helped. I was gone when you needed me most. It's not their fault, it's mine. I deserve this. I'm sorry though. Please, forgive me. I loved you.
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