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User Pitchfork-Pansexuals
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Registered: 10.01.2021
Latest comments
10.01.2021 12:04
Ayyee Das me!
10.01.2021 12:00
10.01.2021 11:58
PPs (Pitchfork Pansexuals), a new term coined by the one and only ME, are like BABs, LLs, and whatever else except pansexual. PPs are anti-panphobia and can be against panphobic bisexuals. However, biphobia is just as bad as panphobia... So... Yeah. Feel free to use this if youre like it, fellow pannies!!
10.01.2021 11:56
Pansexual, and willing to fight panphobes for your validity? Well, sure are you lucky, because I've got something for you!
Animations (1)
Welcome here, pannies...
4 years ago