- create flipbook animations online!
User OmgRonnie
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Registered: 29.11.2020
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17.10.2022 22:53
"Oh- well, uh.. I suppose that's safer. Thank you for your help earlier." He says with an embarrassed laugh. "I uh- I didn't mean to mistake you for one of those troublemakers. Sorry."
17.10.2022 22:51
(sorry- forgot to check.)
17.10.2022 22:19
"Oh- uh.. You live 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚?" He asks, looking around the place before sighing. "Uh- no offence, but is that even safe?"
17.10.2022 21:48
"Ah. My deepest apologies, Mr.." He trails off before giving him a half-baked smile. "You." He says before shrugging. "You really shouldn't be walking around so late at night, y'know? You might get attacked like I just did." He says as he adjusts his tophat slightly.
17.10.2022 21:39
Mr. Tophat rolled his eyes before glancing back over to him. "You alright? What are you even doing out here so late anyway." He asked him with curiosity and let his arms fall from his own chest to his sides like they were earlier.
Animations (1)
Uh.. By far my best creation??
1 year ago