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User Olaiii
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Registered: 02.03.2021
Latest comments
22.05.2021 07:01
Do you finally understand now? (Abt my comments)
21.05.2021 17:03
21.05.2021 17:03
Also sorry I didn’t realize the pronouns where he/him
21.05.2021 17:02
Just bc a lot of ppl say slurs doesn’t mean it should be normalized or be okay to leave it alone. You do know what people have went through being called those slurs right?? Exactly so why is it that saying the n word is a way bigger deal than saying other slurs they are the same just different meanings and you should always know why to not say any of those slurs. I’m not saying the n word shouldn’t be shocking to anyone who has said it and isn’t black it’s just your treating the other slurs like it doesn’t mean anything
21.05.2021 16:55
It’s like saying “ it’s just the internet ppl say this stuff here” like no ppl have the choice and a option to say whatever they want. Meanwhile Zenjen is being ignorant and saying slurs all the time like it doesn’t mean anything. Just because she never said the n word doesn’t mean she can be excused, she literally has been saying slurs for such a long time and no one seems bothered by it. The f slur and the r slur have so much history behind it that’s makes it bad and disrespectful to say it just like the n word.
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