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User Okayokayshush
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Registered: 01.06.2020
Latest comments
01.06.2020 23:21
Leaving again for a bit.
01.06.2020 23:20
We’re all allowed to have an opinion. We can’t just enforce ours onto others. Like if peopl hate me just because I’m a Antireligion.
01.06.2020 23:18
Why I made this. In case you asked
01.06.2020 23:17
We are all the same. So there is no need to disrespect one another. Thank you for listening
01.06.2020 23:16
I hate to be apart of this whole ‘troll situation’. But I’d like to state my opinion. So, we’re going to start off with god. Now from what I had read, God accepts all. You did good deeds your whole life, a few mistakes here and there. And you go to heaven. But, if you do bad things your whole life you go to what? Hell. Being gay isn’t an sin. Being gay will most definitely not send you to hell. But being straight is bad too right? No. many people who are Christians are taught this. (No offense to your culture. My family’s Christian.) But the way you treat the ‘LGBTQ community’ is terrible. And let me go off on a limb and say this real quick. We are no different form you. Whether you’re straight or not.We’re all made of flesh and bones correct? We all have the same color blood correct? Now, you can be a strong believer that ‘gays’ are what you call sins. And you can be apart of the ‘LGBTQ community’ and think that you are different from straights. But we’re not.
Animations (4)
Can I talk to someone?
4 years ago
Down below please.
4 years ago
4 years ago
This is Tyler 💖
4 years ago