- create flipbook animations online!
User No0dle
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Registered: 20.12.2020
Latest comments
21.12.2020 12:12
Adorable <3
21.12.2020 12:08
I really like her character design :) Btw I was nearly gonna reply to your comment. Sorry ;-;
21.12.2020 12:04
Instead seek help from a proffesional or take therapy if you want to die. Because that sounds really serious
21.12.2020 12:04
Why do you hate life and want to die? Something bothering you? Sounds like you have depression. Maybe dont talk about it otherwise it seems like attention seeking.
21.12.2020 12:02
I was doing this in the order I did the fruits. I did apple first banana then orange But that does sound better ;-;
Animations (3)
Apple Bannana Orange <3
3 years ago
Thank you for 2 likes :)
3 years ago
I drew red fruit at night.
3 years ago