Same! I miss her, I really care. I have been suffering without her, I have crippling deppresion, or so ething, I don't know! Maybe, I have been sad all the time, and just to let you know, I haven't been feeling well, all of these comments of hate, makes me want to drink alcohol, beer and do drugs, ya know why? It kills me to see her bullied like this, I hope she gets back on one day, and has time to say, 'hello y'all I have really missed you all!' Or, 'I'm back!' Maybe, just maybe she will go back on.
27.07.2018 08:38
Thanks for all the love!! ❤️❤️❤️??? wish you all a good luck on drawing! Thanks for welcoming!
27.07.2018 08:37
14.07.2018 11:02
What is warrior cats? I need to know! How do you get a series? OwO