User Mikiea
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15.07.2019 22:06
I'll also attempt the second passage:
"So... So you understand me? Your a... a strange human. But Ok then. But it still doesn't matter. Your left on 0HP. Now it's time to FINISH YOU! (Purple beam attack.) You may dodge, but you can't dodge forever! And ever if you"
The paragraph seems to end with a sentence fragment. Thank you once again and have a wonderful day 6pairsofpaws.
15.07.2019 21:58
Here is my best translation of the first passage, which is unfortunately missing some symbols:
"Hello there. My name is Gaster. I hope you DIE. I know you don't understand me human, but it doesn't matter, because your just going to die anyway. Be prepared to die now. GOODBYE."
I figured out some missing symbols from context clues, and I hope my translation is very close to what you intended. Believe it or not, I can read this font. I've been looking for reading materials to sharpen my Wingdings comprehension skill and thank you greatly for this puzzle.
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