- create flipbook animations online!
User KatLovesDogs
Follow | 23
Registered: 15.02.2020
Latest comments
02.05.2020 20:35
I want you gone. I’m why won’t dad divorce you yet. Why won’t you let me cry. You tell you scream, you have given me multiple bruises, you have traumatized me before. You say sorry but you continue to be this way. I miss my cat for they were the only one who could cheer me up. If I ask you for help you will either act like the victim or tell me it’s my fault. If I ask father he will lecture me about how I can’t do anything. And brother would only rant to me about his problems which only make me feel worse. My cat was too young. He knew when I was sad. He would cheer me up. Everyone else doesn’t care. They don’t care. THEY DONT ****ING CARE
01.05.2020 20:05
Oh thank god
01.05.2020 20:05
Tell me u didn’t just rick roll us-
01.05.2020 18:43
-shouldn’t I take it out on you
01.05.2020 18:40
I’m useless anyways
Animations (6)
A h
4 years ago
18+ animation
“I’m fine”
4 years ago
18+ animation
18+ animation
18+ animation