- create flipbook animations online!
User Justaaltm
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Registered: 03.08.2020
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03.08.2020 06:37
“M, and that reminds me! I’m going out to get drinks in a bit, you wanna come?” He chirped as he nodded
03.08.2020 06:33
“This is good!-“ he smiled warmly chuckling a bit, patting her shoulder. “You should run a bakery or something.”
03.08.2020 06:30
He took the cupcake and happily ate it, licking his lips after. “Did you make these?-“
03.08.2020 06:27
He got up and got dressed while she left
03.08.2020 06:24
He raised a brow looking at her. “Something wrong? Marsh?”
Animations (0)