- create flipbook animations online!
User JoeyShea17
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Registered: 22.08.2018
Latest comments
22.08.2018 21:07
22.08.2018 21:02
No, no, never! I wouldn’t hide anything from you. Plus, what do I have to hide? I tell you all of my secrets, anyways.
22.08.2018 21:00
Ok. Anyways, um.. how’s the weather on the other side of... the... street? ...I just realised how much that sentence failed.
22.08.2018 20:59
Oh, um, yeah. who hasn’t, it’s been all over the news.. why bring it up, did something happen?
22.08.2018 20:56
I have my own WiFi, you know. I would never do that anyway, hehe
Animations (1)
5 years ago