- create flipbook animations online!
User Jamagonos
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Registered: 13.02.2020
Latest comments
13.02.2020 18:36
so what you give up? Come on... wait how do you get a star anyways?
13.02.2020 18:33
so? I'm talking about THIS one. You know what, if you can get this guy a star, I'll leave this website. But thats not gonna happen so...
13.02.2020 18:29
yeah whatever, all I'm saying is if this guy put this much effort into this, and he STILL doesn't get a star, then he MUST BE TRASH
13.02.2020 18:26
whatever. If this doesn't get a star then its trash.
13.02.2020 18:23
well he's trash anyways. I could draw way better than this dude. Oh and what do the stars mean?
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