- create flipbook animations online!
User IIlllllllllI
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Registered: 20.10.2020
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20.10.2020 07:11
watch now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S7WEVLbQ-Y
20.10.2020 07:02
20.10.2020 06:43
I am under an alias I need to tell you all quickly that other worldly beings do exist! Shortly after I moved to Nevada I got a security job at the CIA after extensive background checks and non disclosure forms i started the night shift at the front gate. it wasn't but two months into my job I was standing at the gate, four military trucks came in. On the back of the second truck was a round metal object and the third had what looked like a rather elongated body wrapped up in a thin tarp. after showing me their clearance passes i let them through the gate. one of the men winked and put his pointer finger to his mouth as if to tell me "Hush" . Shortly there after my replacement came I was glad to be going but i was still in disbelief of what I had just seen. I asked the man who I will call jimmy if he had ever seen anything unusual as he had worked there for ten years. he lit up a cigarette and shook his head "Nahh just the usual people coming in and out." As i turned to leave he called out
20.10.2020 06:40
when I went to unlock my door I had seen that it was already open, I quickly examined the lock it was a thick dead bolt but there was no damage to the wood surrounding as if being broken into. I quickly dismissed it as me forgetting to lock it. So i went inside and dropped my lunch bucket on the floor i turned on the light to see a mad dressed in a black suit with a black tie and hat standing in my fourier. he had no eye brows nor lashes and as far as i could tell he had no hair on top of his head. "What do you want?" "I want you" he stated in an almost robotic voice "To delete the picture you took on of your phone" I did as I was told holding the phone at eye level so he cold see. "it is best that you never speak of what you saw tonight, if you know what is good for you, you will never take photos on the area again." I simply nodded as he tipped his hat and walked off. I know you are thinking to yourself that this is hardly proof it could have been anything under the tarp and I thought the
20.10.2020 06:40
when I went to unlock my door I had seen that it was already open, I quickly examined the lock it was a thick dead bolt but there was no damage to the wood surrounding as if being broken into. I quickly dismissed it as me forgetting to lock it. So i went inside and dropped my lunch bucket on the floor i turned on the light to see a mad dressed in a black suit with a black tie and hat standing in my fourier. he had no eye brows nor lashes and as far as i could tell he had no hair on top of his head.
Animations (1)
3 years ago