- create flipbook animations online!
User GEEwayISmyBAE
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Registered: 04.08.2019
Latest comments
04.08.2019 13:10
We're such an MCRmy.
04.08.2019 12:29
Rest in peace, mcr. We will all very much miss you, but you should know that millions of people still support the band and your solo projects, you don't have to reunite, we know you did it for a reason, and the band just wouldn't have gone very much farther, anyway. We still would like to give you guys all the love and support you need and encourage you to keep doing bigger things, and people love your work, we can all still just enjoy MCR and all the members' solo projects, thank you, MCR. You have saved so many lives through this journey of thick and thin, but we all made it through alive, believe it or not, The content you let out to the world is amazing, and we will all forever love it.
04.08.2019 12:23
Love it! I wish I knew how to change my profile photo, though, I would totally change it to this!
Animations (2)
5 years ago
5 years ago