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User Expose-Account
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Registered: 01.02.2021
Latest comments
02.02.2021 02:05
okie, basically this account isn't too be rude. It's to speak for people who cannot speak for them selves, and to expose people who are rude and or inappropriate. I always have proof behind my expose things. Im not exposing anybody atm, but Im pointing something out that is happening to many people on a certain account.
02.02.2021 02:01
just too show I have my proof heres a comment on one of her bundle posts (i think it was a bundle post i forgot) That0neStar30.01.2021 22:20 bro, you scammed me, :( You have to give me your custom descriptions
02.02.2021 01:58
I could list people who either were ignored, or had stopped commenting on these BECAUSE they were ignored (clearly)
02.02.2021 01:57
I was not trying to be rude, but a lot of people who don't get any responses at all (every time they try to get a trade) don't speak their truth. I was not ttrying to be rude, its just common sense that theres many people who are being "left in the dark"
01.02.2021 23:09
no hate doe just i see a lot of ur fans getting their hopes up too trade wit u and i only see a response too 1 of them... on practically all of ur trade posts
Animations (5)
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
um cmmts PLEASE
3 years ago
3 years ago