- create flipbook animations online!
User DatBich
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Registered: 19.08.2020
Latest comments
25.08.2020 01:28
yooooo so I can't finish the rest of the 460 likes tonight soooooo I'll try to make u fanart as well I just need like a picture or description of vat u look like mk
24.08.2020 23:21
24.08.2020 23:17
U n o r e v e r s e god I'm so ooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllddddddddddddd
24.08.2020 23:13
Lol thank u UwU. I looked at @ProMagma's account and it's all people gawking over how realistic he/she can draw. As someone who draws photo realism on paper I was like "THIS is what's considered good on this site? Dang I'm gonna blow these people's minds" But it turns out... DiGiTaL aRt AnD pEnCiL aRt ArE dIfFeReNt and I can't draw as good without like a stylus or somethin
24.08.2020 23:06
Ya welcome stranger
Animations (1)
3 years ago