- create flipbook animations online!
User Daniela-L
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Registered: 19.06.2021
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19.06.2021 18:28
Hello! I hope you are having a great day/night! I'm the current owner of this character, here's my TH: https://toyhou.se/9558543.vol And I wanted to ask you if I could slightly change their design, I'd just add some more volcano-like structures on their back as well as some rocky scales and some gills on their neck. If needed I can show you the conversation I had with their past owner regarding their transfer to me. Thank you so much for your time, have a nice day/night!
19.06.2021 18:24
19.06.2021 18:24
Hello! I hope you are doing great! My common username in most media is Mao, and I am the current owner of this character. I wanted to ask you if you'd allow me to change a few details on them? I'd just change te position of his "antenae" so instead of being one on the left and one on the right they would be one behind each other, as well as adding a few more of these growths near his tail, neck and arms, here's my TH, if needed I can send you proof of the conversatuion I had with the past owner regarding the transfer ^^ Have a nice day/night!
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