- create flipbook animations online!
User CosmicalSpace
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Registered: 19.09.2020
Latest comments
19.09.2020 03:06
I’m going to sleep, this conversation has gone too far, and made little to no sense.
19.09.2020 03:00
I’m only making valid points, I’m not really trying to argue. You’re just not really making it easy for me to understand. And so what? I can draw what I want, I honestly don’t care about my pfp. I never said anyone was wrong. I never said anyone was an idiot. It clearly seems like your making assumptions. I never said anyone was stupid, and being silent clearly isn’t an option if you wanna keep replying. I never said anyone doesn’t have ‘brians’ whatever those are. Anyone can be kind if they want to, you’re choosing to be rude. :/
19.09.2020 02:55
Stop roleplaying and doing things such as *dep breth*, for the sake of all that is holy. I don’t remember asking about your family, and I’m not making anyone angry besides you, and I’m pretty sure a circus has TAMED animals. They use whips to keep the animals in shape. And I’ve been calm this entire time, so- your point is? :/
19.09.2020 02:47
Wh- huh. What. That made no sense, what is a deathly annoying. KILLING PEOPLE IS WRONG, and by TOXIC I mean a toxic person on the Internet. AND POISON AND TOXIC WASTE ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. And by your weird definition of toxic, you’re saying I’m a gas? Okay then, try going to school first, nobody is even replying but us, you’re making a fool out of yourself.
19.09.2020 02:43
Animations (2)
3 years ago
Yes, rand9m.
3 years ago