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User Charlotte-Emily
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Registered: 12.07.2020
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24.02.2023 16:37
---> apology post
24.02.2023 16:37
ik i keep advertising this bc i gen do want ppl to see it
24.02.2023 16:36
people who I offended and the people who even stayed FRIENDS with me? Shade/Kai situation. I should of considered being a bit nicer in this situation. Shade I am deeply sorry for making fun of your problems and I should of known that what I said to you at all would of hurted you. Kai, I am sorry that I told you to kill yourself and making your face my profile picture. I hope you both forgive me, and if you still want me to DNI i will continue to do so. You do not have to forgive me, I understand if you don't. I was so disgusting back then. Thank you for taking your time to read and understand this.
24.02.2023 16:36
who I interacted with. Looking at my old self I hate myself for it. Making fun of someone's dead family members. I HATE myself for this one deeply, It was so gross of me to say that in the first place, I am deadly sorry for the people I said that stuff too. Death threats This was HORRIBLE of me to even say at all, I was young and now I am about to become a actual matured teenager. I was only 11 to 12 when I Said these things. It offends people and I am really sorry about it. Faking who I was and my gender. This was when I still had the haxel account, I pretended to be someone who I wasn't and I am sorry for that. I shouldn't of acted like a other person who wasn't even ME? Nazi / Hitler I had a DISGUSTING crush and phase. I don't know what went through my mind with this in the first place. This was racist and a very disturbing time. I should of considered or thought about if I even was offending someone. This was a very horrible situation for me and others. I am really REALLY sorry for the
24.02.2023 16:36
ngl i think it was stupid of me to say the slurs and make fun of people, honestly i shouldnt of blankly left and didnt even apologize, i'm not truly bc i dont LIKE FA im just here for a friend again, but thats not about that (the stuff i did and how it was terrible of me to do and I promise i will never ever do it again) I joined here to draw, I shouldn't of even be on here at 9-10 years old back on 2021/2019, I was very and REALLY toxic and didn't realize it till i got matured, I had a crush (it ended luckily) on a really racist, homophobic, and disgusting person on general. Saying slurs I should of realized that actually offends people and I was stupid to say them in the first place, I had such a stupid temper back then and I shouldn't of typed that kind of stuff in the first place. Porn / Making fun of people I regret the porn, I deleted EVERYTHING on the account, I hate being only known for that honestly. I also regret of talking shit about it, it was disrespectful and offensive to people wh
Animations (15)
copy n pasting my apology
1 year ago
i broke up w my bf (nervous!!)
1 year ago
1 year ago
ppl who i dont want talking-
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
look at apology post
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
Apology -pian
1 year ago
1 year ago
yall r mad
1 year ago
1 year ago
haslighting tbh creature
1 year ago
he touches his balls
1 year ago