tip 1: try starting out with flipaclip
tip 2: don't try to draw or animate like popular animaters after two milliseconds of having a social media account
tip 3: use references
tip 4: don't get mad at constructive criticism
tip 4: try looking at tutorials
tip 5: don't use neon colors it will burn everybodies eyes and we don't want to see a walking highlighter
tip 5: don't oversize the boobs, butt, and ***** just to look "thicc" just because popular animaters do
tip 6: you can trace for practice and help BUT DO NOT POST ON PUBLIC
tip 7: don't try to be a wannabe
tip 8: be original
tip 9: circle tool is fine for beginners
tip 10: try to not rage and be jealous and kill over the internet I BEG TO GOD DON'T
06.09.2019 23:18
!This comment is just for in case!
Any comments about me being "sexist", "racist" , etc. will be deleted
It's just a damn test don't take it seriously