- create flipbook animations online!
User Berries60
Follow | 6
Registered: 15.12.2020
Latest comments
15.12.2020 20:12
Hey I tried to call ima make a new acc
15.12.2020 20:09
I already told my mom but she’s not a snitch and I told her not to tell but she said we’re just gonna pray for you say you’re really worrying me I feel like I had anxiety before but now it’s worse
15.12.2020 19:55
I’m still at school tho ill call in a min
15.12.2020 19:54
I’m not gonna tell on you but I don’t like you not eating and cussing but ima call u when I get home and we can talk you don’t have to leave flip anim but you worried me all day
15.12.2020 19:33
Dude I don’t like you not eating and cussing like wth
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