User 4realazy
Latest comments
10.06.2019 17:38
Because it would kind of like being racist, but animals. I think we got over that people!
27.04.2019 13:53
darn, I saw the first post for the contest and then I drew something, then I went to your latest feed, and found this. Here is mine anyways... It's my latest general clause picture.
10.03.2019 16:27
Of who? Rich people? Don't worry bout them, I bet their parents are the actual people who are rich. Then their parents buy them anything. Trust me, once they grow, they will have to move out and find a small job, usually starting with mcdonalds most likely. Why? Because they care about popularity in school, and don't focus on grades, then careers and what not hits them in college. Then you can become an animator and become rich without your parents spoiling you to death. You're welcome. :)
Animations (2)