So since the real honeybeest notice that I was impersonation her so I'll shut down this account immediately and trying making my own artstyle and I can't tell who am I because some people Gonna report me as impersonation of honeybeest so yeah sorry if I make you mad honeybeest it was totally bad idea to trace someone else 😔
Bye and please follow the real honeybeest :)
You can unfollow me now
13.10.2020 06:58
13.10.2020 06:55
13.10.2020 06:54
Okay *cough**cough* let me explain why I did this.
It was just counted as joke because I wanna see if I traced an famous YT so I did but since your artstyle so hard to draw so yeah so I'm gonna count this traced account as banned since FA not online yet- so okay *DA real honeybeest* I'm gonna hut down this account so drama don't start ;`;