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User -Vibe-Check-
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Registered: 21.10.2020
Latest comments
22.10.2020 17:44
Goodbye, hope you enjoy my final quit again
22.10.2020 17:42
My mind tells me to **** off this website, every feeling just is a mix of gurgling anger lava, goodbye
22.10.2020 17:40
Goodbye, I MEAN IT, don’t try and bring me back, this is my this is my last resort, goodbye, whoever sees this, before I commit my final ****ing death, you were late, I don’t care if this is sounds like a. Butt hurt little kid, I’m pissed
22.10.2020 17:37
I don’t know what where fighting for, but here we stand on opposing sides, @littletinypotato Why are you being a retard? Are you drunk? Or are you a little kid who wants attention? Just ****, I’m committing my death, I don’t care what you think, I’m giving 0 ****s now, I’m pissed, I’m TIRED OF THIS SHIT, IM TIRED OF SEEING FA COUPLES, GETTING CALLED ASSHOLE, SIN RP, * bursts into tears * I want a fresh start I’m never coming back to you *****es~~
22.10.2020 17:35
Just ugh, @Deadpool128 if when you read this, I don’t give a **** anymore, seeing all the shit, do we feel safe? Are we drunk on the chemicals, Every feeling on my bones tells me to lash off tells me to **** OFF, I’m leaving this website, I’m never coming back, again I’m tired of pedophiles calling me assholes, I’m tired of the shit I see, I’m tired of everybody, I’ll commit my suicide if it makes all you retards happy, Every feeling I get Is just shit, my mind tells you that “I never gave a **** now just leave me alone” this is my FINAL goodbye, I don’t care I gave you advice you really done it
Animations (8)
18+ animation
I. am. now. pissed.
3 years ago
I was bored
3 years ago
Guess my Crush
3 years ago
Uh for a contest
3 years ago
*makes a new species*
3 years ago
When someone has Gucci shit:
3 years ago
GoT tHeM KniFeS
3 years ago