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User -U-S-A-
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Registered: 16.06.2020
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16.06.2020 19:09
Ok then buckaroo
16.06.2020 18:08
that his work was not done. It was then that Carl realized that the Paul Mask was a fraud. It was not really Paul, only a twisted version of his friend's conciousness. So Carl set out to find Paul, the real one. When he came to Paul's apartment, he found skeletal remains of what used to be his best friend. And so there was no friend. There was no life. There was no meaning. There was nothing. Nothing. As a result, Carl was driven to the brink of insanity, with these thoughts rushing through his head. Why was he still here on this desolated planet, that HE had destroyed. It was all HIS fault. HE killed everyone. HE destroyed everything. HE was the reason that this happened. HE had killed his best friend. With no point to keep going, he cried with the last gram of sanity he had, and then commited suicide.
16.06.2020 18:06
only seemed to get worse and more disturbing from there. Since Carl had started deteriorating, he had only partly realized his actions were worsening because Paul did not oversee him. So he made the Paul Mask. He thought it would be a nice replacement for his friend, but nothing got better. As Carl's and Paul's friendship faded, his sanity started to take a gruesome turn. Then the Paul Mask came to life. Of course, the Paul Mask is not actually an entity in reality. It is a sign that Carl's mental state is collapsing. This lead to a chain of events that was demanded from the hallucination that was the Paul Mask. The end was truly near. Carl went on a bloody rampage, killing anything in his sight, and creating satanic things that killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Then there was nothing left. The last hand had been eaten. The last corpse had been disemboweled. The last face had been made into an "art form". There was no meaning to Carl's life anymore. Yet the Paul Mask kept telling Carl
16.06.2020 18:04
Carl did all sorts of horrible things, like dismembering the hands of white babies through a rift in space time, or creating a dragon out of orphan meat. But why did Carl do this? It was because he loved it. And it also kept him sane, sane enough to not end humanity. Carl knew this, so that is why he kept doing the things he loved. But there was another thing that kept him sane. Something that Carl or Paul did not know. Paul was the main reason Carl was sane. Throughout the series, the things that Carl does brings him a state of well-being. Paul hugely disagreed on Carl's terrible actions but could not stop him. He made a piano out of swans. He made a human meat grinder. He made a cruise ship sink, and many more things. At this point, Paul had enough. They were no longer going to be friends. After their friendship had ended, Carl started losing his sanity. This was because Paul wasn't around anymore. Around this time the end music starts to get distorted and wobbly, signifying Carl's mental state. It
16.06.2020 18:03
The story of the Llamas with Hats. Carl was a mentally unstable sociopath who lived with his best friend, Paul, who was a completely normal llama. Carl did all sorts of
Animations (5)
Ack ok one min
4 years ago
Idk tbh
4 years ago
Happy pride month
4 years ago
Ew. No
4 years ago
Hi I guess
4 years ago