Dinosaur 🦕train 🚂once👆upon a time 📖 there 😳 was a mom 🦖 her name 📜 was Mrs. Pteranodon🤱sitting🪑 on her 🧺 she heard👂🏼a sound 🔈she said 🙀Oh boy 👦 my eggs 🥚 are hatching 🐣One ☝️by 👄 one ☝️her 🧍🏽♀️kids poppped 💥 three👶 baby pteranodons☝️one✌️two✋three👀I’ll name you🤏tiny✨shiny and🙈don❗️but 🤏tiny 🗣said 🛑wait 🙀theres👆 one 🥚more🤰mom The last 🤏little 👶baby was a different ⬆️size⬇️with 🦷 teeth and a tail🙈 and big 🟩 green eyes 👀🧒he didnt🚫 look 👀 anything like ✅ the rest 😯what am 👁I doing in a pteranodon 🧺 nest❓But 😈dear 🙉old👵 Mrs.👰 Pteranodon 🦕said👻
This🙉 is 😡your🤠 family👨👩👧👧 and👹 I'm🙋 your ☝️mom🤰We👥may be🕴different💥but we’re🌀all🏊creatures🦃all🧩dinosaurs🦖have different⛓features🧬Come 💕on 👉buddy 🦷 let’s 🦖 take 🌳 a 🥩 vacation 🧩 I’ll 🏔 get 🚂 us 🧪 a 🧬 ticket 🦠 at 🔫 pteranodon 🗿 station 🚉we’ll😯travel✈️the👀world🌎in✋sunshine☀️and💗rain🌧and✨meet😳all🥵the🤪species🐶on👇the👄dinosaur🦕train🚂