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User --arny--
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Registered: 17.09.2020
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17.09.2020 17:42
its "wrong" to you 🤡 i dont care if you dont like what i belive theres nothing going to make me change my mind about this i dont have to support you if i dont want to dumdum you can call me homophibic for all i care its not going to hurt me or change anything 🤡
17.09.2020 11:11
hah. you triggered the whole flipanim by this post these people actully think you cant have you own beliefs ? i dont support lgbt myself because im a religous person is theyre anything wrong with that just like you can hate on me for havingmy opinions why cant i do the same "toxiccccccc"
17.09.2020 11:08
17.09.2020 11:07
hey hey. you dont have to get all mad at him for his opinions right just like you are hating on him for having his own opinions why cant he do the same to you ? why do you guys act like evryone has to accept you and if they dont you go crazy and get all triggered ? now i see why the lgbt comunaty is so toxic you act like evrything is homophibic and thats rlly anyying.
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