- create flipbook animations online!
User Twissy-2
Follow | 14
Registered: 27.11.2020
Latest comments
19.01.2021 16:05
ik but s t i l l
19.01.2021 15:51
FlipAnim is an amazing platform but I just found out somthing through FA that shattered my heart so I'm quitting. Nobody even looks at my account anymore so now it's not found. My life has crashed and burned.......I lay awake at night crying and when I found that thing out I CRACKED. I am not going to say what it is so the person who upset me doesn't get upset (he/she doesn't know it upset me because I never commented I just read it and now um I'm depressed now knowing that.) Again I dont want to say what it is so they have their privacy also for MY privacy and so they dont feel upset about somthing they didn't even know they did, its not their fault its my stupid brains and the fact that I'm super sensitive. So I'm unfollowing everyone feel free to unfollow me and im going to go to the bathroom to sob <:
12.01.2021 18:04
The only thing I'll be 'posting' on is my SoundCloud so here's the link. https://soundcloud.com/mashup2021
12.01.2021 17:56
Yeah a lot is happing in my life right now :) I hope everything is better for you than me... I love you guys but I'm taking a break! There is so much BS in my life right now and it's making me very emotional. I'm not JUST taking a break from FA, also from Pixel Art and Deviant Art.... I guess I'll tell you whats happening? I got grounded from my phone for a stupid reason, school, rumors are being tossed around about me!! I feel like my parents will divorce any day.....and so so much more. Thanks for all you support, ill tell you when I'm back! ~Twissy-2
12.01.2021 15:14
Animations (138)
Abel Magicrunner
3 years ago
3 years ago
Idk what to call this tbh
3 years ago
soap melanie martenez<3
3 years ago
owo -w- uwu TwT QwQ 7-7 lol
3 years ago
actually this my oc-
3 years ago
oc hug?? ne 1? ;w;
3 years ago
You are not trusting me enuf
3 years ago
Ship? (MeekaXHannah?)
3 years ago
New improved art style <3
3 years ago
3 years ago
oc if i use new art style
3 years ago
3 likes this my new art style
3 years ago
3 years ago
POV you c me irl
3 years ago
fLy BuRdEe
3 years ago