User My-heart-went-oops
Latest comments
11.12.2024 05:41
Then toodles brother o’ spint!
11.12.2024 05:36
I cast myself in no light other than the sun, no prowess holds within me nor that of a faux delight. Simply put I hold myself no higher than that of you. For I walk along the same dirt, cement, and grass as you do. In doing so I offer nothing more than my own share of possibility amongst billions of your own. Just as I look at you, you do for me. A glaring fault in it of itself born within whomever it sees fit. For example this
It’s quite the awful scene if you can bare such I suggest you take nothing more than a quick peak at the physical brutality it holds. It proves of beginning to an insatiable threat of hunger.
11.12.2024 05:27
Your intellect is one of shame. It holds no meaning, no space worth taking yet you continue to provide it and for what? To fill out the meaningless proportions of your sentence. Nay, speak as you wish. Let no other being judge you for however your tone is. Whether you wish to do so is entirely up to you for I harbor no control over you just as no other does to me.
Animations (53)