Me sayinf this only beig able to name rhree of their songs bc of a playlsit my friend made dor me its so god haiiiiiguys pls sp,elme talk to me here im so bored
19.01.2023 14:19
this site is so fun to doodle on
12.01.2023 15:51
i should probabky ckose my ****ing flipanim tab bc i keep going back to this site whenever im bored now
12.01.2023 15:50
honetsly her voice rly suits the songs shes been giving so far but i really want her to get an angrier song
shes lrobably gonan get a guilty verdict this trial because like no one is actually looking into why she acts the way she does after getting an inno verdict for t1 sobyea everyones gonna b voting her guilty because of her behaviour now Oh well idc atleast maybe she will get a more emotional song then
but still ugh its goign to be so difficutl watching her go back to where she started emotionally and having all the punishment that comes from a guilty verduct push her right back into her old mindset I think I Dont Know how to expkain my thoguths but UGH i hate how her new confidence is makign ppl disliek her now
inmf soon im so hapoy