:<. I get it, and don’t stress yourself out for doing stuff you don’t even like. It’s the worse you can do to your body. It’s your life, not ours, and you control what you do. But, you only live once. My princable (spelled wrong) says at le end of morning announcements (idk) “Make it a great day or not”. Make it your day, or not. Make it your year or not. Idk I thought that might make me sound more logical but it doesn’t.
30.11.2017 22:34
30.11.2017 22:33
Frik, the kittens are fast
30.11.2017 02:42
I’ll probably do WoodenWyverns, and WyvernWays as my backup account
30.11.2017 02:40
So, there WAS something blocking my kittens stomach, and he couldn’t eat anything so nothing could go through his body. And, we found out, that the crap he ate was moving across so we don’t need to give him surgery! He should be home by 2morrow! <3