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User Kaivents
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Registered: 14.05.2022
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24.05.2024 00:33
Cody mutters, unsure of what to do, he stares around the bathroom, rubbing his forearms and shivering a bit, he felt cold. " god-- uh. " he mumbles, walking out of the bathroom, the static image of that dog lingers in his head, was it a dream? he FELT it on him, he smelled it's dog breath, he felt his face seconds ago, what was happening to him? and why? he ponders,
13.02.2024 00:28
dude im sorry if it has any typos im doing it with a timelimit
13.02.2024 00:21
his heart thumping in his chest, he groans from the impact his head made with the wall, his eyes squint shut, he pries them open, he wasn't met with the same outcome he saw before, his face was as clean as it should be, Then how, and why did it hurt so bad? cody thought, the pain seemed to be gone, maybe he's hallucinating, maybe he's going insane, he doesn't know. Cody groans, rubbing his head and staring into the mirror, his arms pressed against the sink, he stares at himself, he looks no different than he did before, that's good.
13.02.2024 00:18
Coy jolts awake, his breathing heaves in his chest, he holds a hand over his chest, that was a dream, thatw as a dream, and that's good. Cody sighs, pushing himself upwards, holding his hands over his face with a grunt. His head hurt real bad, more-so his face, that shouldn't hurt though, it stung, it burned, like a cut. he groans, flopping back onto his bed, his head hitting the frame. " ow ! " he barks, rubbing the back of his head, he angirly gets out of bed, his heart stil racing from the ' dream ' he had, atleast he assumes it was a dream, he hopes it was. He stumbles out of his room, he needed to see why his face was hurting so much, he fumbles into his bathroom, rubbing his eyes, and staring at himself in the mirror. What he saw wasn't pretty, i'm sure sierra or gwen wouldn't think it was pretty if they saw it either, if they could see it. His face waa riddled with claw marks, and canine teeth marks,no wonder why it stung so bad, cody yelps, falling back onto the wall, his heart t
13.02.2024 00:07
The dog slumps down at the doorway, it's breathing much louder than it was last night, Good god, was this a dream? Cody ponders to himself, his mind races in a panic, he turns onto his side, and wraps himself completely in the blanket, he's trembling, he's shaking out of fear. Cody hears something, something different from what he heard last night. He didn't just hear it, but he felt what that dog did. The dog sprinted, and hopped onto cody's bed, this causing cody to jerk up, but the dog's weight is too much, it's paws are roughly jabbed into his upper arms, cody's thrashed around so much, that the blanket is torn from his face, forcing him to stare directly into the dog's face, cody can feel it's breath directly on his own face, Cody damn near pisses himself, the dog bares it's humanoid teeth, sharp, but still oddly humanoid. It thrashes it's head in cody's direction, lunging into his face.
Animations (35)
poopy brains
1 year ago
1 year ago
guys kai isnt on this acc anym
1 year ago