a teer driped down my cheek as i flowned the streets. the mom and dad has kicked me out today, i had nohere to go. i knocked on felix's door, as then a rnadom person who i did not know the who name. i croaked gratiously as felix open the door "ew who are you ugly rat" he said i was said "no" an di used my powers to make him fall in love and stay with me. i think the magic woar off but im sure he does still love me becuse im great <3
the end
18.07.2020 01:49
the warm winter breze brisked around you as i walk up to you an look dwoon "felix, u know him?" i brethed soundly. "yes" you reply, loking at me, i then pin you down and stomp on your nose until its broken and step on you
18.07.2020 01:44
some h*ter b*eat me up, felix looked at me and didn't care and walked away (he still loves me thou he probaly didn't notice!)
18.07.2020 01:40
pov: u insult me and felix agrees but i use my mind controlling powers then step on you