User Jasmine-Everlee
Latest comments
25.04.2019 19:25
It’s pretty sad that 9-11 yr olds are saying bad words
25.04.2019 19:04
I’m in the LGBTQ community (I’m questioning.) and that scares me. I can say this online because behind a screen, no one knows who I am and I’m not scared. The reason why it scares me is because there’s many people out there in the world like EthanP who will harass people in the LGBTQ community (sorry for the harsh comment @EthanP). And I’m scared because many people are saying that God “despises” lesbian or gay people and I really don’t want to go to hell. But others are saying that he accepts them/us, and some say he *ahem my friends ahem* prefers people not to be, but he wants you to be happy. And also @EthanP, what you said was really hurtful. Everyone in the LGBTQ community can’t help but be in the community. Something may have caused the feelings to “be born” (like in my case.), or they just emerged.
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