- create flipbook animations online!
User OPIntrovertedIdiot
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Registered: 11.04.2020
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14.12.2020 23:22
hehehhe https://youtu.be/vY-7g_e4t-4
07.09.2020 17:24
(It's a simile, y'know? Introverted = Shy Idiot = Dumbo ??)
07.09.2020 17:23
I mean, I didn't expect anyone to figure this out right away, but my new account is ShyDumbo. Imma be on there from now on.
06.09.2020 18:47
Wish I could like comments-
06.09.2020 18:45
I’m sure anyone who pays any attention to me or my posts has noticed that I’ve been posting a lot less and a lot less often. I’ve basically lost motivation for this site by now, especially with school starting up again and all. Saying I’m leaving just sounds so permanent. I don’t want it to sound like I’m gone and never coming back. Knowing me, I might just make a new account and restart on here, but I don’t know. So if I really do go, I’m sorry. It’s nothing against FlipAnim or the community. I just haven’t had the motivation to keep up and don’t think it’s fair to post a few times every few weeks and still consider myself active anymore. I’ll miss all of you along with your lovely art and characters, I can barely believe I’ve only been here for four months now. All in all, I wanna say that it’s been an awesome few months on here, and if I really do leave, then goodbye. I’ll miss you dearly~ <3 But if I don’t? If I come back on a new account with no warning? Well, just wait and see, I guess… ;)
Animations (178)
4 years ago
4 years ago
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